Time alloted to you could be a 100, 70, 40 years and for some much less and as each day and seconds draws closer, we keep getting closer to our grave, make sure you are traveling down there productively. 

Time they say waits for nobody, no matter who you are, rich or poor, young or old, handsome or ugly, set your priorities rigth, manage your time well and don't use another person's time to set yours, we could be in the same location but operate in different time frames, envy no one.

Budget your time and also set goals in your budget, it will help you differentiate the important things from the urgent things and also help you concentrate on doing the important things rather than the urgent things.

Never allow the important things become urgent things, else you will be in trouble, properly manage what you have, it will help you have more, your time is highly valuable even when you don't have something doing, find something within your confinement to keep you busy and train your mind to be accountable and productive. 

Care for your self and take responsibility and know that whether it must be or not it is up to you to decide what your time holds for you.

Procrastination, they say us the thief of time and a lazy man's apology, do what you can do tomorrow now, because tomorrow has its own distractions.

Strength and energy will fail you someday when your muscles have grown weak, plan towards when you retire, time won't tell you about that now but certainly it will come.

Dont just make hay while the sunshines, keep making hay, and wait for the sun to dry them, in life, our greatest enemy is time, because no matter how we wait for it, time waits for nobody, rather it will over take you while you wait for it.

Use your time well, don't do now what you should be doing then, set your priorities right and stick to making your future purposeful rather than living in regerts.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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