Indeed I was so perplexed thinking and getting worried about life necessities. I told my self I was a failure and I was wondering why I should keep living.

I counted my pangs and pains before me and alas I hated the fears so much and I was wondering if I could come out of this mess life has brought me. 

Just by the corner, I decided to distract myself and stumbled at a post online, a video so touching, basically about some people who were involved in a gas explosion, in an excurtiating pains and begging to live, he made me see reasons to be thankful for my fears and worry less about life's predicament.

I surfaced out of my shell and became thankful for my life and the worries I found myself.

Life is indeed is nothing without the pains and fears, life is nothing without the challenges we go through to become better people.

Human life is indeed like a truck full of issues, we find in various places and situations inevitable, yet life goes on.

I wemt on my knees and thanked God for preserving my life, knowing to the assurance that I still have better chances, and a better life ahead of me.

I still will excel admist all life adversities and fears, and one day I will recall on all that made me worry, all the fears I projected and all the times I was down and I will be grateful always that God stood by me.

He gave me reason to bless and to thank him forever and remain under his shield , who am I that you are mindful of me and you love me so much, indeed I see the brightness of your goodness.

Woman crush Wednesday.. Am my own kind of woman, not your regular girl, more than an option, a priority so inevitable. 

Vivsravine speaks ©


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