This piece got me cracky each time I recall the events that surrounds it.

Okies, some times ago when I worked on the island, I had a friend we drove home together but he stays in a different location enroute my house, so he drops me in a near by bustop, so I can take the next available bus home.

So on this day, he dropped me off as usual and I waited to get the next bus, but on this fateful day, no bus was forth coming, so I decided to walk down some few meters to see if more people were alighting at the next bustop.

Boom, I was at the popular Allen junction, as at that then I never knew that the spot where I stood waiting for a bus at 7pm Nigerian time was where the so called prostitutes in Allen stood for their usual pick ups.

Though I saw some girls behind me but my mind never went to them as prostitute, because they were far off from me, so while I stood there, different private cars were stopping rigth in front of me, and I just wave them off and told that am not going their way and they zoom off immediately and untill I counted almost 6 cars and kept wondering what was going on, yet no bus stop to pick me.

Then, I saw a bus coming, I stared flagging it down, it didn't stop close by but went far off to stop, as a Lagos babe I ran after it to enter, immediately I boarded the bus every one kept mute and turned and was looking at me and I was so uncomfortable that I gave a long hiss, Just about then the conductor spoke to me as if he knew why I hissed, he then told me that where I was standing and waiting for a bus was where the Allen girls prostitute stood to get their bait, OH mine. I signed and before you knew it other commuters in the bus started telling me why they were all looking at me, but why they didn't give up on me was because of my dressing which was highy cooperate, meaning I was not an ASHEWO.

My head banged, I laughed my head off , when one man called me INNOCENT ASHEWO because I was ignorant about where I stood and as such that was why no bus was waiting for me at that spot.

Heavens, I learnt my lessons that day, I quickly informed my sisters and my friends not to ever stand there and wait for a bus on Allen junction most especially at night before those girls beat you up ...

Vivsravine speaks © 


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