At every piont in time in our lives, we are faced with one ordeal or the other, many of which we never anticipated might come calling, yet we are faced with the panes of pain, the figths behind the struggles, the hidden battles, the faceless pains, yet you were renacted from one form to another.

What you call pains becomes someone else's biscuits, no assumed pain, because the effects are real, some were intensionally caused, some were never intended, but when the pains of life hits you, you pray its only a mirage or a virtual thought.

We have being through it, we hate that road, we never pray any one passes through it, yet its an inevitable road we all must trade on, if you still have a life.

The various panes of pain comes in shades, only the carrier can describe it better, yet we all feel the impact when it happens closer.

Emotionally, mentally and physically the trauma of pain is wished it never came by.

The shades are very excruciating,like when you see a human being burnt and he puts out a fight to survive,even when he knows he will die, then you will fear pain.

Like a cancer patient fighting thru a terminal disease he can't explain, the state of the hotness you barely watch.

Those who are emotionally castrated can't tell you, but surely you will see it through their minds and what life has placed before them.

I hate the sight of pain, running away from it like death, yet it catches up with you, the fears alone kills you, but the brave of the bravest is subjected to pain also, when it becomes a part of you, you become an overcomer, you wallow thorough it like a dance knowing that you are going to win, though the panes of pain are still there, the mark inevitable to erase, yet you won a battle, fought with a heart, enduring it all, crashed, burn, get up again...

Vivsravine speaks ©


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