He says, I Love you he says...
And she replies thank you

She says...You hardly call me.. ..
And he replies.... Oh sorry am very busy

She says... When can we see... even though we are close
He replies .... For real I have several appointments, i don't even have time for myself

He says... Can we do a video call..
She replies... My data is out, my phone is bad and its late.

He says... I sent you some money, you didn't even call to acknowledge it
She replies ... Oh really i didn't see it

Hmmmm., the excuses are endless when your heart isn't with someone. 

The excuses are so clear and you don't need an oracle to interpret what it means to you.

His or her heart isn't where you are, recall this 
'' your heart is where your treasure lies''

Dear lady, if he isn't calling you, he is speaking to someone else.
Dear man, if she is giving you atitude you are not what she wants.

Many a time we dwell so long with a person, take all the bullshit with them just because we want them in our lives, that is the worst thing you can do to yourself, its like immersing yourself in an acidic content to burn.

Love is reciprocal, God first loved us and God expects us to love him in return by doing his will, if you don't do his will, it simply means you refuse his love and you don't want his love.

When you find yourselves in a relationship that is one sided, the sign post reads clearly, '' I AM NOT INTRESTED IN YOU ''

Respect yourself enough to back out, don't be in their faces, give them a long time to decide who they really want to be with, stop making yourself vulnerable to love, be truly reserved, someone needs you too than ever, you are somebody's prayer piont.

When you eventually find this person, every other thing that seems hard becomes easy, you don't need to figth for a spot, you are highy valued and most importantly you will find peace admist all doubts and fears.

1st corinthians 13:1-13 says it all, love has a soothing relief, make sure you find all in your partner, there by you won't regert being in the life of someone.

Chose love or expel the force of love, if they truly feel same way they will certainly come back.

Love is a gradual process yet very magical to us and divine to God, no matter how it comes to you appreciate it and make it work. 

If someone loves you and you don't feel same, don't cast them away like a plague, we have seen stories changed and life happened.. Love was won over, and if for reasons you still don't want, stay away from the person and wait for love to find you, open up your heart to love and be loved.

And if you truly love someone set tnem free, express your thoughts to them and show them all you got to keep them but if they don't feel same, respect yourself enough to take a hike, someone somewhere is waiting for you desperately.

The air we breath is love, Its free, don't allow anyone subject you to a fused oxygen just because you love them, be gentle on yourself, you deserve more.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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