My love
My bea
My heartbeat
My sweetness
My world
My everything
My muse
My darling.
My queen 
My forever

Kai the list is so endless, the names are so unlimited to count and more so, there are still more added, men are so scared of commitments yet the want everything but don't want to do nothing,. They are so ready to ask you questions like, how are you, did you sleep well, how was your nigth,what did you have for dinner, did you miss me, blah blah, they can easily come up with heavy excuses and still feel cool about it, they easily have something to say.

Baby send me your pictures
Baby what are you wearing
Baby show me somethings
Baby am honey, am straved

Jesss, what in the world have we not heard, yet they won't lift a finger to type do you need anything, how have you being coping, what can I do to help, is there anything I can support you with no matter how little, I just want to be part of your life and make a difference no matter what tomorrow holds for us.

Alright, let's drift a little from the men, most women are just lazy, ABSOLUTELY LAZY, all they do is sit down and piont fingers, waiting for money to drop from the sky by any means for them, now most of them are lucky to have people who sponsor them or sow in their lives but they don't have sence, they are all out to buy latest designers,get poshy bags, flex human hairs, fix witchy nails and lashes, with imported make up and eventually look like a customised masquerade, they can never invest in themselves, they never think of any form of upgrade in their lives,just a bunch of girls with drunken attitudes.

What have you to put to the table, absolutely nothing, you want to get married and become a full liability, Oh, its my husband's responsibility to take care of me and that's how it should be, nnem do you know things changes in this life? Get useful to your self and to the world around.

Finally, these men who parade themselves with lots of ladies in the name of sampling them for marriages, am sure and hope that when you know she is sampling you for options you wont feel bad too, before you say she gilted and dumped you.

Please let us act rigth, in as much as shit happens in life, let's not play mind games with any one, if you find something of value you in them , treat them well, you sure know that VALUE COMES WITH A PRICE, work towards it, pray about it and be hopeful, certainly what will be will be.. Don't force it. 

Stop 🛑 calling names you can't fully appreciate, when the need arises 
you opt out of the mind games because you feel its a burden, be what you truly profess and live out the life. 

Vivsravine speaks ©


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