When you solely want something you go for it, there might be loads and loads of obstacles but a determined mind sees no hurdles, rather he sees them as a catalysts to push to the next level, he damns all to make wave to his goals 

When you see a break ligth, you need not to be told about the next event, instead be prepared about the worst cases scenario, cause when it eventually happens you are not fully broken because you can still pick yourself up and be you again.

Appreciate every moment that comes your way, it can be sweet or soar but be guided and never be carried away by any situation, good or bad, make maximum use of the situation to learn and to be impactful, because time waits for no man.

In your good times, rejoice very well like its your last and please touch lives, don't be selfish and in your bad times learn so much here, so as to help someone who might be in your shoes some day 

Finally, I write because we are all in one of those moments of life, how well do we use it matters alot, keep believing till the very end.

It could hurt, it could be bad, it is very soar, take the best sides rather, there is always a good side of anything you have given up on.

Project optimisation, soar to excel and live in the now. It will surly get better, but while it happens in wait , keep alive, its the greatest gift life can offer you

Vivsravine speaks©


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