We usually feel life happens only within our lives, we forget so soon that life happens else where too.

The same or similar challenges you are facing now is the same some other people are facing too, the fears, the odds, the doubts, the worries, someother persons has probably passed through it or are currently undergoing the same fuss with you, but in a different location.

Someone is living in the heat, another in the cold, some in the waters, even some in space, we all have our stories to tell, similar or different as it seems, yet life happens to us all.

Our stories can either define us or make us better than what life has given to us, the struggle is real and the figths dirty, yet some comes out Victorious against all odds of life, while some are swallowed in the pains of life.

Every one with his or her own unique stories, very different indeed, we go about with a smile, so sheepishly while our battles are reckoning before us, who do we complain to, who has no fears or challenges of his own. Oh life just happens everywhere..

Embrace your fears, comfront your pains, figth your battles, but make sure you win, dont be consumed by the bliss of another, don't allow the stardom of others make you hide, recall always that life happens to us all.

Someone's morning could be your own nigth and another's day time, could be your own dark times. In all you do don't forget to embrace your guts and figth to finish Victoriously, its a must goal. 

Vivsravine speaks ©


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