She is BOLD

If she possesses those traits and attributes forget it she won't make a good wife, more so when she is very beautiful and outspoken its a NO NO, she will be chased by many and you can never have her to yourself, they are highly promiscuous, and because she is very brilliant, the tendency that she will make more money than you, make its so bad for you, it won't be nice to be in competition with your wife.

Most ladies who has all the listed attributes are not good wife materials, they are not submissive and they are very heady, they chose to do what they love alone and they are so bossy.

My dear brother run far away from them, infact the list is so endless compared to the things I have seen and heard about them, just settle for any woman that has least attributes, after all "woman na woman".

As I sat down to listen to these men chat in a public bus, while we were all heading to our destination, I just shaked my head in pain and felt pity for these men, who are so mundane and very archaic in reasoning, yet I still maintained my cool and kept listening to them.

Coincidentally, we were all going to the same Place, DAN FOSTER CONSULTING, funny how this scene played out, I was ahead of them when we alighted from the bus and headed straigth to where I was going but was delayed when I was paying the keke man, somehow they got to the venue before me, and when they saw me, they smiled at me, saying fine girl, so you were coming here too.

I didn't know if I was to smile or frown, but I seized that medium to express my displeasure, we all sat down waiting for the seminar, so I sat with them and took my time to express my thoughts to them.

Sir, you made mention of why you are scared of women who are beautiful, brilliant and bold and why you feel they should be avoided, OH,my dear its not so, he said, I ignored his blabbing and continued, do you mean to tell me that, if your mother or your sisters or daugther had any of these attributes so mentioned, you will be the first to cast them out even when they are impacting in your life and making a difference around the world? He kept quite.

I continued to make him realise that he needs to change his orientations about what happens in the life of any one, most especially a woman who has decided to be intensional about her self and what she does, infact she should be encouraged, there are so many ladies with potential wasting away, waiting for one sugar daddy to bless them with aids, waiting for one boyfriend to sleep with or she eventually turns a prostitute just because she needs to eat something and sadly, not even thinking of a future ahead of her.

Our world is really changing, inasmuch as its the sole responsibility of our husbands to take care of us. What happens to a woman who has no husband, what happens to a single mother, what happens to a widow, what happens to the girl child? Its better to secure your future and be a support than wait for glories that will end some day and then wallow in regerts.

Am sorry about what I said in the bus. It goes to show, you truly know your onions. By the way am Sam and here is my friend John, and John said to me, indeed you are beautiful, brilliant and bold and I can see your intensions about your self is really adoring, keep it up.

We all exchanged pleasantries and waited for your sessions to continue, by the way, those guys are my big fans till date, it takes a gut to go the extra mile and get things done even when you feel unheard or no one is watching, just keep being intensional, the difference you make is like leaving a legacy behind, someone someday will make reference to it...

Be encouraged, you making a difference.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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