It's the right of a man to find the woman and it's the right of the woman to chose the man and that is why when a man finds a woman he asks for her hand in marriage and if she chose him amongst all others she can easily say yes having considering why he is different with the right values to stick to him for life. 

To the woman :

*Do you know this man. 
*Is he someone you can submit to. 
*What are the values that makes you stick to him. 
*What are his visions and mission in life. .
*Dose he have the capacity and sustainability to keep and take care of you and a family. 
*Is he a man of integrity and a man of respect, who projects peace and can protect you. 
*Does he submit to higher authority and godly authority.
*Does he have mentors who supports his vision in life

To the man:

*Do you know this woman. 
*Is she someone you can love. 
*Does she project the image of your future. 
*Is she someone you can be proud of to present any time. 
*Is she submissive to your person. 
*Do you see her as someone'who can take care of your home with or without your presence. 
*Does she share in your vision, dreams,  and does support your goals. 

Ladies because we are always at the receiving end. We need to ensure we protect our future by knowing the basics and working out our marriage, most especially with our man or partners and family. 

Make sure he has God as his satellite, as his guide, if he does, be rest assured that you can rest in the midst of wars. Be his mobility while he directs the affairs of your family.

Know this, when a man does not have a misson in life, you are dating or marrying the tail and not the head, by doing so your life is ruined.

Make sure your partner has a head (vision) before you say l do to him and most importantly make sure he submits to Godly authority obeys and respects family and mostly adores you as his other half.

Dear brothers, check to see if you truly love her enough to spend the remaining part of your life with her, if she does not give you peace and you don't find joy with her, don't ask for her hand in marriage, if you have your personal doubts about her, let her go, if you can't be proud of her and defend her, any time and in any situation, please let her go.

Forever is a longer time to spend, don't live yours in pains..

Vivsravine speaks ©


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