Pastor Becky Eneche. admonished women 🚺 to keeo wooing their husbands most especially after marriage.

Her exact words in Jer. 31:22..women 🚺 shall compass, shall win, shall woo, shall protect the man..

Hmm, inukwa, odi kwa scriptural, hmmm so.. World people will say i am not married 👰, so why will i woo my hubby.. You better learn before pointing 👉 fingers at me..

My hubby... My wish, my desire, my prayer answered, my boo

My hubby... Saw a billion ladies on earth but chose me instead and decided to love me

My hubby.... Went as far as wooing me, to make me know that am the best in the world 🗺

My hubby.... Declared his consent before my parents and his kins 🚹 men to pay my bride price.

My hubby.... He went through all the process there to make me bona-fide

My hubby.... My backbone, so imperfect, yet he is beyond a super human, angels envy him. 

My hubby.... He took my flaws and polished me to be an asset, you can't afford. 

My hubby... My suitable, not everyone can marry my hubby cos he is mine. 

My hubby... He is the example of what a real man should be, the envy of all, the pride of men 🚹 and the joy 😂 giver of women 🚺

My hubby...the honey pot filled with honey, always present till the very end 🔚

My hubby... The ice creamy yummy 😋, the onye nkem 1,my olugold, my chakam. 

My hubby.. The pride of my youth, the strength 💪 of my being, the glory of my later days.

My hubby.... The succor of my world 🗺, the bliss of my life crust..

My hubby.... Thr crown 👑 on my head the jewellery on my neck. The seeds in my womb. The glory that covers me. 

My hubby.. The guild that protects me, my guide as a 🌟 star. 

My hubby... A man like the army of Israel, a paraclet, an amazon. 

My hubby... The sunshine ☀ in the day.the moon 🎑 at night, the beauty of the stars

My hubby. My horizon, my peace ✌️, my anchor ⚓, my shield 🛡, my eyes, my everything

My hubby... My idol, my gold 🥇, my lion 🦁, my gem 💎, my prize 🏆

My hubby... My black 🖤 diamond 🔹, my Eagle 🦅, far above all others

My hubby... Races like the cheetah, fierce like the wind 🍃, peaceful like d sea 🌊, handsome like the morning glory, blessed like nature. 

My hubby...the purpose, the reason, the definition, my joy 😂 giver.

My hubby.... If you find him before i do.. Stay away from him cos his mine and am his. 

Okay.. Now you know him.. Wait for his name and picture 🖼... Am Posting it next. 

Am just here to appreciate all the good men, who are out there supporting women and making life easy for us all... You are the real machoes... God bless you

Vivsravine speaks©


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