To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, you sure know which laws states that statement of fact. Our times has brought about so many behaviors from these brothers of ours we relate with, it's good to know what happens around you and guard your heart from all manners of heart breaks. The list is endless but I will try and limit it to the most vulnerable and well practiced acts they are inclined with, so you can aviod stories that touches the '' mpuruobim'' and fiam that will make you say all men are the same. Its better you know and avoid such than to be deformed with knowledge and cry out your sanity, all men are not the same, some are bad and some are good, so too the women fold, just be in the know. THE BOREDOM GUYS... These set of guys will never contribute a penny to your data life,they call you at will and can be on call with you for hours, saying nothing, infact they are known to use you to kill boredom and they never have anything meaningful...