There is no friend anywhere, 
Just be yourself and find your way out
When things and events of life happens to you that is when you will know there are no friends anywhere.

Make sure you have God, 
Work your butt out, 
And save yourself from the entanglement associated with having friends.
They truly don't care about you

Truth be told, many who you call friends don't even know your real names let alone knowing details about you.
They are always busy when you need them and they have so much excuses as to why they can't be there for you. 

Every man to his own domain, 
They can't lift a finger to help you without an exchange for something, hey and you call  these fags friends?

If you dare mess up, they won't show up
Infact they are only ready to come for your burial with designers and exotic wines, but they never knew what killed you.

I rather have enemies I fear than friends who are ready to stab me, jare at me and make me a topic of debate when they know nothing about my fears, they just wait for my downfall.

Have God for yourself I tell you.
Remember and pray for them if you care
That's the best you can offer them. 
Extend a hand of fellowship to them and don't be like them, rather teach them that life comes in phases

If you must sow a seed in their lives, let it be a seed of generosity, teach them what it takes to be a brother not a friend, let them remember you for something they don't do and care about, its like pouring acid on a cloth... It burns them faster. 

Make sure you are nothing like your friends, dare to be different, the procees might be slow but the impact greatly felt, make sure you soar  beyond there flimsy excuses and be there for them.,there is no greater joy. 

We can only find true friend in Jesus, who is ever ready, always here and never forsakes us, make sure you borrow from him, the attributes to be a better friend to those you call friends. 

We have friends better than brothers, if you must have a friend and if you must be someone's friend, then be better than a friend to that person, it should not be about selfish gains but selfless impact of happiness to your fellow man. 

Are you truly a friend or fill in the gaps.and if in your life time you ever find that one person who is with you through thick and highs , who appreciates  you without you and who extends a hand of fellowship to you and yours, adore them like an idol, they are super humans, it's rare, truly they exist only in heaven.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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