There so many reasons why that MAN will never marry you no matter how close you are to him, love is overrated, there is more to the things we see in relationship today. 

Before you lose yourself for this man, make sure you make your research well about what he likes, so you can position yourself to what is possible or not in your relationship with him. 

Mind you, he will never outline these facts to you, he can open up to someone else but not you, but as a woman it's your duty to find out and know where your heart stands. 

The following pionts are some of the reasons why a man might not marry you but can be in a relationship with you for a while untill he gets what he wants in another woman. 

BRAINS,:depending on the kimd of man you are dealing with, a handful of men are attracted to ladies who has brains and can use to make money, these smart ladies could be hard to understand but definatly they attract a certain type who wants them at all cost, do you have such brains? 

PHYSIQUE,:no matter how brainy you are, if you don't have certain attribute as per stature, you might not be what he wants, you might meet all all other criteria but he might be attracted to big breast, big ass, small waist, tall ladies, chubby ladies, slim ladies, dark or fair ladies, if you don't fit in to his attraction, you possibly will be wasting your time with him, because he will eventually flirt with you and let you go. Do you have what he is attracted to? 

TRIBE: this fact can't be ignored, there are men who can never ever marry out side their tribe, no matter how educated and exposed they are, trust me, you can get all loved up with them but when marriage comes you won't be disappointed because you saw the hand writing on the wall before hand. Are you from his tribe? 

RELIGION & DENOMINATION: well let me not buttress this fact, be you whoever, these set of. Men can't break the code when it comes to religion and most times places of worship, you better come from the same religion with them before they can ever consider you for marriage. Do you attend his church? 

PROFESSION: oh I must marry a nurse, she has to be a business mogul, I hate bankers, I can't marry a trader, she has to be a teacher, the list is endless, find out what he truly likes, many men will never tell you before hand, they just waste your time and send you packing soon, does he like you profession? 

CHARACTER, some men loves outspoken ladies, some homely ladies, some loves party ladies, some smart ladies, some proud ladies, some humble ladies, do you fit in to his needs of the type of woman he is attracted to? 

TRADITION,:we have got lots of tradition to contend with, the fact remains you can't fight them if your partner isn't in the same mindset with you, find out about what they abhor, what they don't do on your own on time, before it becomes a sorry issue, do you fit in to their tradition? 

AGE: it is but a number, but it lies in the individual who wants to play or not, a man who can't handle older women can never marry them,  some who will always for teenagers no matter how old they are, make sure you find out, it's important you know your state with him. 

Help your self, slove the puzzle and live happily, finding out helps you aviod unwanted heart breaks and know your positions with him and more so you to know what you are doing with him and channel your strength on what is workable without wasting your time. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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