You don't know if you catch it, hide it or step out of the way, it's more interesting to know who are than who you want to be. 

Sometimes, the people who come into our lives plays a huge role as to what our lives holds, it either makes you hide, showcase it, catch it or set it aside, the circumstances calls for it.

Alot happens in our time, the people who we chose to be with determine alot about us and most importantly every decision we take with them changes a lot about us our future, our career, our location and even our after life.

Ask your self some questions:

Is he worth it, is she worth changing all my plans to fit in?

Can I cope with her?

Is my future secured with him?

Can I trust her with my life?

Will I sustain my trust and love for him?

Will she always be there for me? 

Hope am taking and making the rigth decision? 

Make sure your clear all doubts, make sure you find peace and be free within yourself. 

Figure out a way to ignite the spark, always show up when you know you have to. 

Get out the things, the words, those actions that hinders you from expressing yourselves there is just one way to set them out. 

When you are not just sure where you stand, a leap of faith is the only move you have to make and take it hard or soft.

Let go and feel it, it helps you liberate, be happy, go for what you want and admire your life. 

When you find yourself trying so hard to hold onto something and you feel it's slipping away, if you find someone who makes your life go round you won't feel otherwise.

You can't keep holding unto someone who wants to slip away, if they are not allowing you to love them and be happy with them just let them go. 

Expectation makes it difficult to figure out what you want to be, the difference of what you expected usually appears, this approach makes you look at the future differently. 

Check this, the moment when your heart skips , the pressure goes off, somethings needs to be said in person. 

Your choice,fix something that is actually worth shinning, the chains of no influence burns the heart, when the words are hard to find,  be the guiding ligth. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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