Many come to share relationships goals with me and together we find out possible way to go about most challengings we face in our relationships . 

Like I will always say, don't force your way into the life of anyone, if you truly love them you set them free and if they come around, cherish and make your relationship work. 

Hmm, but when you notice your relationship is one sided, please talk it through with your partner but if its still not reciprocated, then you can take your leave quietly and honorably. 

There are some key things that should not be over looked when you are in a relationship, treat them as a matter of urgency and strive to see your relationship work even with your best efforts 

DONT ALLOW EACH DAY GO BY WITHOUT SORTING ISSUES, as long as we remain in relationship, we are bound to make mistakes either in marriage relationship or in courting, no two human are the same and that is why we are prone to mistakes and we will always be offended by our partners. 

Don't allow a day pass by without trashing out issues and sorting any pending need, this is one flaw we allow to linger for too long and before we know it the negative effects over takes our relationship. Make out time to sort your issues. 

COMMUNICATE, one of the complain I get most of the time is the issue of communication, a lot of people find it too difficult to talk in their relationship, its either they are sacred, shy, busy or just too proud to relate with their partners. 

Effective communication is very important in any growing and working relationship, its the soul behind the success and failure of that relationship, its highly adviced that we make communication fun and easy with your partner, it saves us alot of pain and embarrassment. 

SHOW CARE, this not negotiable, I wonder how you will be in a promising relationship and you find it hard to care for your partner, or be adviced on how to take care of your partner, this singular act of care giving means alot to our partners and as such, when you show care to your partner its like taking care of yourself. 

SOW LOVE, ordinary love should be given freely in relationships, but take this blank cheque from me, sow love in your relationships, when you sow love in your relationship its like planting a seed in paradise, all you reap is peace, joy, hope and bliss, no matter the storms that shakes you both,  you have enough love to withstand them all. 

PRAY, we are all carried away by the materialism which surrounds us, we are so glued with worldly worries and we hardly pray nor call our partners to pray together with us , a family who prays together stays together and you can hardly break them. 

Let us find time daily to pray with our partners and give in time to study the word, it helps to sharpen our union and makes us formidable. 

BUILD YOUR SPOUSE, one of the defects of the morden day relationship is finances, we all need money, If one of you isn't doing well in career or business, then it's your duty to build your spouse, help them to be better than you met them, support where necessary and watch them grow. 

These few pionts helps us all have a beautiful relationship, there is a lot going on in the world today and the fears falls on us all, but we have to brace up and work out our relationships for a better family and society tomorrow. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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