There are basically three things that is so attached to life and it is also a pointer to anything we do in life. 

These three things determines how well we live our lives and sadly we equate them to how well we dominate this world. 

If by chance you didn't achieve these three things in life, you are labelled as a failure and more so  you came into this world without a purpose.. 

 These three things include. 




MARRIAGE :its is expected that at a certain age of your adult life, you will have to marry and raise a family,  when you do so, you are responsible and accountable and the world can respect you.

We so value marriage that it becomes a pressure to those who haven't found love or who for one reason or the other haven't considered marriage for reasons best known to them.

But permit me to say, in as much as we value and respect marriage, this union isn't for everybody and we should stop attributing marriage as a criteria to aligning responsible people.

We have many who are not married yet they are highly reasonable and responsible, marriage is a choice, we should stop labelling people illresponsible because they are not married, we have so many illresponsible married people with no sence of repute.

SUCCESS : It comes in various ways, trade, academically and otherwise, which ever way it comes to you, the world clamours for success and it is also attracted to people who are, but also we should recall that we all can't be same, we are different people with various backgrounds and exposures.

Many won't be successful and a handful will be, what makes us unique is the life we live, don't label a fellow less important because he or she isn't successful, life has its elastic limit, we are all here for a purpose.

CHILDREN :blessed  are the breast that never gave suck, often times we forget this part of the scriptures and mock people who don't have children of their own. Children are an inheritance from the Lord and its like receiving a gift from him, he choses whom he wants to gift.

When you receive a gift you don't ask for it, children come in that same manner, many who don't have children are not less human beings because they have not been gifted, rather encourage them and be happy with those who have, yours will come some day.

You see these three things so mentioned, they are all good and well appreciated but it shouldn't be equated as a yardstick to comparing or judging anyone, we all came for various purposes in life and our destinies can never be same

I employ you to learn how to appreciate life without these things, there is more to life than marriage, success and children, don't use the blessings and gift from God to hurt or mock your fellow man, you don't know the end from the beginning, God alone knows.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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