I saw my doctor friend off, on my way back home yesterday , these two young lads approached me with phamflets and while they gave me the leaflets the asked me if i coild spare them some few minutes. 

I smiled and obliged.

Are you born again, he asked?

Oh, that, what is born again I asked? 

To be born again is  to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour.

Wow., but am not a christain I replied

For you to make heaven, you must know Jesus and accept Jesus as your savior

Really, I shouted, so you mean I won't make heaven because am not a Christian, I asked

Yes, because they only way to the father is through Jesus.

So, you mean to say that those before Christ will go hell because they don't know Jesus , I asked

Well, let's leave that for God, he says

Because I was in a hurry back home, I decided to make it snappy for them.

Am born of God and Jesus is my lord and savior, as he is, so am I in this world, I am born again of water and of the holy spirit, and to as many who did receive him,he gave the power to become the sons of God, I told him

Wow wow wow.. He exclaimed

Why then did you engage me in this long quest, he asked me

Well, I engaged you in this quest because I wanted to know if you truly know who you professed.

I engaged you to encourage you in coming out boldly to profess Jesus

I engaged you to also share my testimony about who Jesus is and what he means to me. 

I engaged you to admonish you to live out your christain life pratically, not just with the words alone, let Christ's life reflect in you more so in what you do. 

Oh, mine, you are such a wonder, he said joyfully.

I am always thrilled when I see young people come out for Jesus, we see a lot who will rather be else where doing shits, than go to church let alone evangelising. 

Our society has turned everyone to something else, we hardy see things like these, we see more of older adults who wake very early to preach the gospel, we need more of the youth who will come out openly to stand for the Gospel and proclaim his words. 

No matter how bad it seems God is looking out for those who are available to use not those who are capable, he seeks to make us a vessel to fill us and then we become instrument of change. 

Are you born again, do you know there is life after life? 

Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith, do you have him as your savior? 

No matter how you ignore this message, the Gospel must be preached, God will always raise men to do his work, are you part of it? 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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