The other day I decided to talk a stroll in the  neighbourhood just to regain strength. I walked as slow as I could and enjoyed the evening breeze.

I walked passed a high brow area, where these set of people lived in an enclosed restrictions and lived in with so much cozy and serene environment and so many thoughts plied my mind as I walked passed this area.

Again, I came into another environment where poverty and hopelessness lived and pains of tomorrow lingered today, hmm, the thoughts raced in my mind and I walked by.

Now, my thoughts and I journeyed together slowly and this conversation ensued.

Me.... If you are truly blessed, make sure you extend to the next person, make sure you touch lives..

My thoughts.... If only God blessed everyone there won't be poverty and pain existing in the world. 

Me.... Sincerely, that can't happen, we must have the poor and the rich, that is just how its programmed

My thoughts..... Yes, I insist, if God blesses every one, what you are seeing now, will be different, no one will live in abject poverty, no suffering, no fear and pain

Me.. Just pray to have the things you need as at when you need them and not to beg for it.

My thoughts... But God can do it, he can truly bless everyone to be happy, he can

Me... Surly, he can, but imagine if we are all rich then who does the miner jobs, then the part of life won't be truly fulfilled.

My thoughts.. Hmm, well things are bound to change, simply wait on God and be very hopeful, knowing that God is supreme. 

Me.. God is a blesser and also a God of justice and riches comes from God and he is also aware of poverty.

My thought.. Yea, keep faith, life happens to all, the rich can turn poor and the poor can grow rich, all belongs to God

Me.. That's the more reason we shouldn't do anything dubious to make money, be contented with what you have, work hard towards your goals and the blesser will remember you someday.

"Life no balance "someone said" wait on God, his time is the best, every thing comes from him, call on him to help you always, he is always on time, no condition is permanent, if he has chosen you to be great, surly it will come to pass someday., have faith in God, he never fails.

Stay alive to prosper, we all have a story to tell, when he finally blesses you, remember to bless your brother and neighbours.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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