It becomes a crime when you indulge in  the following listed below and you become stupid by allowing vain glory becloud your sence of reasoning. 

SMALL MONEY, alot of people are easily carried away when they hit an extra amount of money, probably from a connection or contract, they forget easily where they are coming from and they act most stupidly. 

THEY MISBEHAVE, one of the traits associated with a little taste of heaven is that those involved are easily misbehaved, they become vulnerable and act like the world belongs to them, you can't correct them because they feel you have nothing to offer them. 

THEY INSULT, another traits they wear is that they are very quick to insult people and they are very disrespectful, with slightest argument or conversation with them, they feel whatever they have acquired gives them the rigth to talk dirty and rubbish a fellow.. 

THEY BRAG, its very easy to detect this trait, they are easily prone to bragging about everything, their accomplishments and what drives them, they make you feel you are not doing enough and  as such they brag about tomorrow like they own it. 

THEY ARE VULNERABLE, its no news, these set of people are very vulnerable, they can go to any length to see and make things happen just to prove a piont, they don't give a hoot about what you care, many a time they act insanely like one controlled by hard drugs. 

THEY EASILY FORGET HUMBLE BEGINNING, if you take a troll on these set of people, you will realise they are from humble beginnings, most of the times with good reputation and a sence of worth but the exposure of little heaven, make them forget where and how they started. 

THEY SHOW OFF, check their life style, they easily show off pratically every thing, they make a big show of nothings either to intimidate or surpress those around, they feel the world is at their becks and as such they can trample on it with what they have to show. 

THEY FORGET ABOUT TOMORROW, to these people they find it difficult to recall that there is a tomorrow, they forget to recall that things are bound to change, they don't care about what happens next, they are all concerned about self and self alone. 

THEY BECOME AN ISLAND, because a little heaven came their way, they feel they can do it all, achieve it alone and can do without you and I, who have been there for them before little heaven.

THEY CHOSE THEIR FRIENDS, this exposure makes them very selective with friends, you might no longer fit in with them because of your status, they aviod you and roll with those of their calibre. 

What is little heaven? 

It could be money 

It could be a connection 

It could be an inheritance 

It could be an exposure 

It could be a class, a status 

It could be a lift or even an information 

Watch out for these signs, when people around you start acting as such, give them their space to aviod being humiliated by simply indulging or interacting with them. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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