Many would feel so unusual about this post, many would call me raw and spoilt, others would appreciate this write up, whatever your reactions, i plead your indulgence, rather than feel bad learn.

Before loving making can take place between two lovers, there is a process that must take place and they are listed as follows :


Follow me as I enumerate this process without offending you, don't worry, you will enjoy this process and learn some new skills.

CARESSING comes first, it entails a lot of appreciation, learn to appreciate your spouse, buy them gifts no matter how little, send them beautiful text messages to remind of how much you love them, appraise them and allow them enjoy your person.

ROMANCE  it's hard work, you would need to learn how to be patient and loving without conditions, here the act is enduring and definatly,
Its hard but necessary to accept the flaws of your partner, in the midst of fear, seek courage to move on to the next level., overlooking the pain but keep moving in love.

KISSING.. Its isn't about the lips alone, it so much entangled moments, its deeper, its the reality of your relationship, it drives in so much passions to bear or lose faith but rather keep it high, sustain the momentum and make your deposition sustainable and mind blowing.

Keep the passion going, but with consistence of purpose be resilience,you don't need to speak here to be heard, the passion will make your inner voice to be louder than echos.

WORSHIP.. The idea that sex is a woman’s loss and a man’s gain is another ridiculous mentality that needs to go, its a win win thing for both lovers who indulge in this selflessness of selves, here its been adviced you do the following together and always :

Read romantic novels,
Watch romantic movies
Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, its a booster
Drink lots of water and smoothies., it makes you both drip in highness.
Exercise together indoors or outdoors
Pratice romantic yoga, sex dance too
Play with your spouse
Play water figths, pillow fights, hide and seek, bed figths, park figths,
Create memories  make videos and take pictures
Pray with your partner, it builds lasting relationships
Plan a vocation with your partner, get away to s place far from home.
Dance with your partner not just at an event, just dance at home too, learn how to dance together with your partner, make sure the moves are sexual and sensual (lap dance and salsa learn them)
Make sure you date and be with someone you are attracted to, if possible let his /her voice arouse you, let her/his touch get you in the mood, make your relationship interesting and worth while, like that's the only thing you have got.

RESTING... Be confident and free with your partner, do alot of things together and never be shy with your partner.

Don't let your life be boring, explore and try new things, make it an adventure, sex isnt about saying you don't feel it or how long you can go without it, don't make your partner seek succour outside.

Seduce your partner daily, buy gifts, be hopelessly romantic and give in your total love.

You recalled , I told you from the beginning you would enjoy the process of love making and here it is, pratice 50% of these and come back to gift me a million dollars.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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