Life is just too short, even if you live to a hundred.

The realities keeps repeating it self.

We hold on to vague things alot,we are so quick to cut corners and neglect why we are human.

We forget so soon that we are like vapor no matter how long we last here, we vanish so soon.

What is the purpose of life after all? Why are we truly here? The reasons are just far fetched.

Hmm I wonder why the fuss, the hate, the war, the anger and the pain we give to each other

Many don't care any more, they live like the world is their final domain, what an irony indeed

They careless about the worries of others, they don't give a danm about the pains of others.

How then can we be human when we act like robots? We become too insensitive and uncaring

Its all about us, we are too selfish, our greed is so much and our pride so high, we are too gullible

Inasmuch as I will always say, enjoy life as much as you can but while you do so, remember others.

God isn't far, he lives amongst us, in the form of your neighbours, make sure you impact love..

Each day that comes by is an opportunity to create a niche, make sweet memories, leave a legacy to reckon with.

Don't look at what others do and be discouraged but find joy in impacting for kingdom purposes

Life is passing, times are changing, people are fading, the realities are showcasing, make ammends .

Enjoy every bit of it, take a vacation, spend time with your loved ones and serve God well.

Love and live in peace with all men, discard whatsoever that brings enmity, live knowing that someday you will be no more.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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