Life makes you wonder if you can ever give in again, the realities of life are here. 

There is truly a part of you wanting to let go and give in to love, but the past holds you down. 

No more to say, love has shown you its negative sides and you leave with a vice.

There is no one out there you could trust with your life, your love and fears, none. 

Hmm, there is one who believes in your heart, who is ready to go the mile and give you hope

You decide to hold on and discard them, because you feel you can't love again and you scared. 

Let loose those pains, allow the pains pass, set your mind free and live knowing love exists. 

There is one person for that someone, that one person is highy real and ready to go the mile. 

That one person is your heaven sent, they are here and they are never far from your tears.

We are together, don't lose a part of you by letting them go, the torture is hellish, liberate your mind. 

When it's dark in your life, wait for the ligth, its just a while but it's truly worth the wait 

Spread your hands to love, open your heart to love again, keep it on the low but be real. 

The thoughts are ever real, the heart bleeds when the eyes cries, make the mind leap rather..

Invest in your love, spend more time in love rather than figthing, share in bliss and make it beautiful

The best influence is greater, they spoil you silly, they love you crazily, they protect you like heavens gate.

They are beyond human, angels on earth, imperfect they are but programmed to love you

Do turn on the loving so real, you know them when you see them, peace is what they give. 

You can't be without them, they are fresh breath inevitable, too strong for too long they are.

Too hard to break, too hard to fake it, deep in your heart you know who they are, find peace.

They treat you rigth, figth you crazy, protect you with their lives, they love love  you always.

Heaven sent, they are called best influence, wait for them, they are never too far.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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