There so many reasons why we need to check our selves and those around us.
Many a time we fall to see the faults in us and we keep doing the same things that are really unheard of and unacceptable.
Below are the various types of checks and why we must pratical to them more often.
SELF EXAMINATION... No man is an island of self, we are imperfect beings and as such, there are ao many reasons we are expected to go for self examination, a personal retreat of self, a renewal of mind and its highly advised we purge ourselves from all vices and choose to become better.
CHECK ON FAMILY.... We live in a world where our phones has replaced bonding and socialising, we are carried away with work and lots of distractions that we fail to check on those we are even so close to us.
Take out time to visit, show care, extend a hand of fellowship, enquire and share your thoughts and love with them.
SHOW CONCERN FOR NEIGHBOURS... We always have neighbours, no matter how busy we are, let's take out time to check on our neighbours, no matter how far or close they are, you just might be the smile and bliss that awaits them.
RESPECT STRANGERS.. People move from one place to the other, you are a stranger to someone ans someone is also a stranger to you, learn to smile at them, wave at them for no reasons, help if you can..
PRAY FOR THOSE YOU KNOW NOT.. Learn to pray for those you know nothing about, bless them and stand in gap for them, many don't have anyone who remembers them in prayers, be that one person.
The world indeed is a small village, on a closer look everyone is closer, when we cooperate, we achieve more...
Vivsravine speaks ©
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