I saw this post below and I wondered why and what is happening in our society

"Dear Men, place your right hand on your chest and say after me,my wife's money is her money and my own Money is our Money"

When I saw that post, I wonder why there is so much misunderstanding in marriages and relationships, often times before we get involved in any relationship, we fail to discuss everything and one of the things are finances. 

This singular act has lead to a lot of mistakes, misunderstanding, choas and even divorce, because we fail to take a stand on monetary issues with our partners. 

Times have changed and even as we evolve with time, it's very paramount we discuss anything that could bring any hitch in our relationship. 

Many fail to let their partner know how much they are earning, there by when she becomes too demanding, they feel they are insensitive. 

Sincerely, its been advised that we open up to our partners in all things including finances, it helps you both plan, execute and manage all your resources together and also help you aviod all forms of misunderstanding with money.and u necessary spending. 

Money is a force that can't be ignored in any working relationship, no matter how rich your spouse is, its highly given to make them see the inflow and out flow of transactions. 

Many couple don't have access to their spouses account, atm pin and even know the number of banks they operate from, sad to know that when emergencies occurs they run from pillar to post looking for help, while they have a gold mine they can't access, due to stupid restrictions. 

Allow your partner know how much you earn or make, be open to him or her, share your pin with them, test them with little and see how they handle it, then learn from it and adjust. 

We understand that some people can be very extravagant in spending, but you can teach them better on how to invest and make profit with even little resources. 

Below are some people's reply on finances related matters with there partner 

*Don't go out of your way to please anyone, and go suffering and smiling because you want to answer a good person.

*If you are capable there's nothing wrong in assisting with money but it shouldn't be by force,just do it willing. 

*In our African traditional system, marriage brings about a relationship not just between the couple but also between families of the couples. If any of the couple is in a position to assist, then it'd expected of him/her to do so. If he/she chooses to take care of other family members, they should do without any pressure. 

*It shouldn't be an obligation,if the man is buoyant he can always stretch a helping hand to his in-laws, especially the parents of his wife.

It's a personal choice not a duty or mandatory, when rain falls on tree, even the root will benefit from it. 

So these days, its clear that both couple must be busy with something to support each other and even the extended family, its not just left for the man alone, times have changed and we must all move with it,

Vivsravine speaks ©


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