Some once said, we all have something we are addicted to, which is most times our weakness and we find it so difficult to pull out from. 

Truly, we all have one, but it becomes mostly acidic when we indulge in them at our own detriment and even paces threats to the lives of those around us, some habits include :

SMOKING... Many smoke for various reasons.,which could be justified but it also poses a threat to their lives, many now go out of place to smoke unimaginable things, just to get high and become so addicted to it that their lives becomes worthless. 

DRUNKNESS... Alcohol is one of the leading cause in road accidents today, so many drink and drive, many go to parties to drink to stupor and forget themselves, I am not here to discredit alcohol totally, we all have something we love yet we shouldn't do it to affect our lives and the lives of innocent people around us. 

PROMISCUITY... Both men and women are caught up with this act, greed and unsatisfaction has led so many to early grave, regrets and pains, they wished they never indulged, if it isn't working, walk away. 

TELEVISION... Do I remind you that many are so addicted to televisions that they forget they have a life beyond it, some could sit with a movie for almost a day and achieve nothing but watching other people actualize their dreams. 

FOOD... Now, no one is saying, you shouldn't eat but don't be a glutton because you feel you don't eat that type of food in your house or you feel you can't afford that type of food, or because you don't want any one to cheat you hence you finish the whole food and never get satisfied. 

PARTYING.... Many can't do without partying daily or even per week, enjoy your self yes its good, but don't allow it ruin you, partying exposes you to a lot of vices, womanising, huge spending, smoking, drinking  and getting drunk and night life which isn't safe. 

SLEEPING.... Some can sleep like forever and they are not bothered, because they feel comfortable doing so yet they sell their destiny to laziness. 

LAZINESS... funny but true, some people are so lazy to themselves that they can't even lift a finger to do the littlest things let alone indulging in greater things even if they would benefit from it 

GOSSIP... Now we find men indulging too, before now it was a woman thing, many have taken this as a life time hobby to indulge in scandalising others and they feel so good about it, desist it isn't helpful. 

The vices so mentioned can be amended if taken into consideration and repent of anything that tarnishes your image and those of your neighbours. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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