We are actually limited by time, its a known fact, because we are humans and not immortal beings, God alone is unlimited with time.

Hence many complain about time and there after rush over many things in life.

That some one got married at the age  of 25 and another got married at the age of 60 doesn't change anything, rather they only difference is that they had various experiences at a time of their lives.

Another had a baby at 30 and some other had her's at 60, the experiences is new to both and that is the only thing that matters.

She graduated at 20 and another graduated at 70, still it is only experience that distinguishes them, there is no lateness in life's journey.

That one became famous and rich at 35 and the other became rich at 70 still doesn't change anything, the experiences only differs.

Another died at 25 and his friend died at 100, I tell you, the experience differentiates them, in life the only thing that differentiates us is the experiences we shared.

She is high, I am low

I am poor, she is rich

He is handsome, he is so ugly

I am famous, she is a nobody

She is fruitful, he is barren

Am educated, he is an illiterate 

Our experiences is all limited with time, this is why we are human, we all can't have the same experiences, rather we learn from other people's experiences and move on

No time is late for any one, just make your own domain count and accept what you can't change and change what you can, but make sure you are progressing.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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