One of the biggest probelms in marriage is promiscuity,this singular act has eaten deep into the lives of many who indulge in it. 

Both men and women are guilty of this habitual act of cheating on their partners for whatsoever gains they indulge with. 

Certainly, cheating has many vices that is not palatable to the ears and not good to behold with the eyes. 

There various things cheating does and it reduces and brings pains to those involved.

Chocking... This vice is Chocking, you are obliged to always want to do things that is absurd ans as such, you are being chocked of something either monetary or bodily. 

Demanding.. Did I say its demanding too,  there is no way you cheat and who so ever you cheat with won't be demanding and as such you are in between meeting the needs of these individuals even at your own detriments 

Time consuming... Oh, because you are indulging in what you are not supposed to do, you find yourself stealing from your time and those of your partner to keep pace with someone else. 

Pressure inflicted.. There is this pressure attached to cheating, most of those involved are always imbalanced, they hardly think well ans as such they are pressurised to doing things. 

Perpetual liars.. . They are habitual and pathological liars, that's the only way the feel a little bit secured and because they are not real and true to themselves they pretend and lie in all they do. 

Sucide... Cheating can lead to suicide, most especially, when the person they are cheating with leaves them, they become desperate and can do more harm to themselves. 

Murder... The cases are so numerous to count, those who are involved are easily killed by their partners when they find out that have been cheated with for a very long time. 

Hatered... Like I said earlier, one of the vices associated with cheating is hate. When the person being cheated on finds out, you realise that they fellow develops hates for both parties involved. 

Shameful... This act is very shameful, no person wants to get caught during the act, but alas they keep playing hide and seek,  the regret and pain would have been averted but its rather late when caught. 

Family disorder.. Oh the wars, the fears, the pains and trauma that comes to the family when this Shameful act surfaces brings the family to a stand still and the end result isn't beautiful. 

Sexual Transmitted Diseases.. Well we all know this part, that no matter how careful you feel you could be while cheating, yet it's associated with lots of stds and the pains is inevitable. 

Pregnancy and abortions... Those who are involved in cheating are not far from these duo, ot happens more often and some must bear the burns of waywardness 

Career probelm.. Even their career path is affected with the level of self damage they have incurred just by cheating, they become vulnerable and lacks confidence.

Desist from cheating, it has nothing good to offer but pains and regerrs.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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