Recently, I was out with my mum and all the time we had a chat she was always making reference to my being away.

When she realised I would be away for some time she becomes home sick and a bit weary.

Below is a conversation between my mum & I

Mum...when are you coming back? 

Me... Haba mummy, I haven't even gone. 

Mum.. I just want to know when you would be coming back that's all. 

Me... I will call to inform you. 

Mum... Please just be this and that, she buttressed. 

Me... Mummy, what is that? Don't you want me to go or what.?

Mum.. No, I  have never said so, just that..

Me.. Am waiting spell it out.

Mum.. I know you will be fine and all that but just can't wait for you to return. 

Me.. Wait oooo mummy, is it that if I marry now, you would still behave like am a baby ehen. 

Mum.. No matter how big you have become, you are still my baby. 

Me.. Mummy, am not a baby o

Mum... You are not, but am going to miss you. 

Me.. Me too, I will but please stop being too emotional, so if I marry tomorrow, you will just relocate ehen. 

Mum.. 😂 😂 😂 🤣 🤣 She started laughing so hard, no I will not o, I have my husband to take care of. 

Mum.. I was just going to miss you.

Me.. I smiled

Recently, heard from a friend whose sister got married, meanwhile the bride's parent were in the east and the bride and groom resides in Lagos.

It happened that the bride price was paid in the east with the consent of the couple, while the couple in Lagos went ahead for their court wedding.

Meanwhile, after the court wedding the bride's mother called her daugther and told her not to leave their house untill she and the bride's father returned to Lagos.

She told her daugther this because she wanted to be the one to help her pack her belongings and officially send her to her husband's place.

When I asked my friend why the mum acted as such, she told me, she felt that the mum was just too emotional about the fact that her little baby of yesterday is now a woman and would be living under the roof of a man, who isn't her father but her husband.

She narrated how, they explained to the mum that the young lady is dully and fully married, traditionally and binded by law too, while she wants to be in her husband's house and prepare for the church wedding, the mum came back to Lagos on time to fulfil her heart desires of packing and sending her daugther to her new home.

Okies, back to me, mummy would call me a million times to check on me, gist me on virtually all that happened around her and ask to know if I have eaten or not.

Even when she knows you are very fine and doing well, she is always ready to give in her all to protect her baby girl.

I am not a mummy's girl o, but you can't break the bond that exists between us, untill the world ends and restarts, I love you mum.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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