Human wants are so unlimited and no matter how much we posses in life we still long for more..
I want to get married
I want to have a set of twin
I want to go the best school in the world
I want own an empire
I want to be the most costliest car in the world
I want to travel all over the world
I want to be in power
I want to be very famous
I want to rule, control and dominate the world
I want to acquire all
I want to own so many houses.
I want to have so many trillions.
Let me ask you, what's next after possessing all these asset?
Please be reminded that all these assets are good, its no crime to desire the very good things of life but after owning or attaining these things, what is next?
Many have been led into perpetual pain and regrets because they go out of their ways to acquire these things, they forget easily that these things are passing no matter how long you acquire them.
Be real to yourself, aviod whatsoever things that would dent your integrity because you wish or want to have access to the things of life.
Remain focused to your goals but don't allow other people's attainment and asset push you to vain glory, just do your best and you won't live to regret it.
Vivsravine speaks ©
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