Many a time we say, respect is reciprocal and we kept saying it without going out to make an impact.

There are various way to respect and make a huge impact for oneself and others. 

Self respect : trust me when I say many people don't know what it is to respect themselves, they forget themselves so easily and hurt themselves at their own detriment and more so affect their loved ones too

Respect for others: one of the major ills we have in our times is the fact that we fail to respect other people's opinions, their wills and fears, we are always in logger heads with them and this results in a figth thereafter. 

Respect in relationship: no matrer the type of relationship we keep, we are dully expected to show mutual respect for our partners, parents, siblings and friends and even our enemies alike.

Respect in business: we have seen good business partnerships broken and gone separate ways because we fail to keep our bargains and  become greedy to what it isn't, there are lots of enmity created as a result of mutual respect which is lacking. 

Respect in public places:there are million and one things we do in public that is highy uncalled for and as such we wonder how many of us respect and value life, we do things like, throw waste any where, figth in public, soil public toilets, misuse public amenities and more so fail to treat people well.

Respect for the earth:we live in a place where human beings, plant and animals live, we feel because we are higher animals we don't respect the lives of animals, we kill them any how, we uproot plants and burn them, there by endangering our world.

Respect for God: Oh, this the worst we have done and the sad news is because we have so taken God for granted that we feel he is so far from us and as such we are at his mercy always, it is good we know that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, if we seek to live.

We need to change our believe system, have mutual respect for our next door neighbour, recalling a fact that no matter where we come from, we are one race.

We are first human beings, before we could be anything else and as such we need to stop the attack on ourselves and stand for love for one another, recalling that we are not the same but we are living together on one earth and have the same flesh which we must respect.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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