We left for Jabi to NUJ..

There a guy boarded the bus with us and he strucked a conversation with the driver.

During the course of the chat the driver poured out his thoughts to the young man he assumed was a bachelor.

Driver.. Just enter he said your fare is 100 naira

The guy... Oga na 50 naira

Driver... Enter, do you have change?

The guy... No but na 50 naira o

Driver... Hmm my dear brother, na family probelm make me still dey road by now o

Driver... To be a man is not a day job o

The guy.. Na wa..

Driver... He continued lamenting.

Driver.. For a married he will hustle for everything  food, pay school fees, hospital bills, house rent and even extended family needs.

The guy.. The signed in

Driver.. As a bachelor, you are enjoying o, all you do is hustle for yourself and enjoy your money, no deadline, no trouble from wife , children and inlaws.

The guy.. You think so oga driver? I lying?

Driver... You and I know the truth that you have less worries compared to a married man.

The guy.. Hmm

Driver.. Marriage is a big work, its sacrifice and total submission of self to the needs of others most especially your family.

Driver... Of a fact, if you are not ready to tolerate, sacrifice and pursue the needs of your family, don't marry

The guy. Its well o, God help us.

Driver.. Amen

While I listened to the conversation between these two, I recalled how my father strived to make things work, sacrificed for his family and above all gave his best to make sure we are very good.

To all the good fathers in the house, the good d bachelors who are waiting to become fathers some day, may God help and direct your paths.. Amen

Vivsravine speaks © 


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