GOD took stones and formed mountains so high above man..

There they stand like  tree strong and beautiful

From a distance they are inviting, closer to them they are alluring.

As I passed by, I admiredans longed for a geel ans a walk on the mountains...

I stopped to appreciate the handiwork of God, the awesome artist, who sets his materials in place to form something beautiful.

Behold a beauty and the nature of what God had created.. His hands are perfect for creating only good things..

How do i explain the beauty i saw and aa such, i saw petals of flowers scatter and i imagined how he took hia time to fix them all in place at once.

The joy glued to my heart i searched the words, I am left to admire the works of his hands ans appreciate how much he has done.

Does God sleep, no the answer came and the words came by and recalled he is the omini worker and best designer and creator.

What a God who fixes who designers and who beautify, the mountain smiled at me, I took a snap and blessed the creator who feed my eyes with such a beauty.

Goodness is what I see, he is beautiful to create beautiful things nature is indeed the replica of how God looks like... Beautiful.

The tree waving at his works, the bjrdd hover around the mountains saluting the maker 8f6gios things, I opened my mouth to sing to a God in whom I got my own beauty from.

He took a paper and drew the mountains and then places them in their rightful positions seated with confidence, what a beauty

There i left the mountains and here comes a very greeny lands soo beautiful to behold, o just wonder how artistic he is yhw rivers weren't far from us, i bowed down to an indescribable God.

These big rocks has different names thw sun shines directly on them this makews you appreciate the greatest artist, standing gloriously one has the face of a lion, fierce in beauty.


Vivsravine speaks ©


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