Its so sad, when you see what people go through in the name of keeping up with beauty and maintaining a state of being just to get attracted. 

Many put up with so much pain unbearable, many spend resources that could feed a nation and so many die even during the process of the aftermath effect of what they have done to themselves. 

SMALL BREAST... We all have body types and of course appreciate your body the way it is, in the process of enlarging your breast, you come in terms with cancer and that puts a threat to your life.

BIG BUTTOCKS... Ladies are so fond of going for surgery to enlarge the buttocks, the pain is hell and the cost of maintainece is very expensive,  they do this because they want to get the attension and attraction of a man and mostly for their clothes to fit. 

VERY TALL/TOO SHORT... Learn to appreciate yourself, there is little or nothing you could do to change this, you were formed unique and as such you don't have another of your kind. 

EDUCATED/UNSKILLED.. No matter your state and status in life learn to appreciate yourself, we all can't be the same thing, we have different orientations and opportunities in life, no matter what happens and no what life offers you, be kind to yourself and appreciate life. 

NATIVE AND NAIVE.. At one point in time in our lives we were labeled native or naive, the things we know today came as a process and as such we can't know all at once, appreciate the process and make a change 

MORDEN AND SMART.. We are all  so smart and exposed, but we shouldn't be carried away by the innovations and forget ourselves, life is better with self without so much attachments 

BODY SHAMING.. Stop shaming yourself because you feel you don't have what it takes to showcase to the outside world, stop being hard on yourself, eat what you love, exercise if you can, wear what you like and appreciate yourself. 

COSMETIC SURGERY.. I only recommend such for victims of accidents who still have hope of a better life, probably if they were deformed, but many have taken wrong advantage of this surgery to change any part of thier body for selfish gains or to attain self esteem, desist from higher risk to life. 

You are very unique, don't allow anyone talk you into something that would kill you, just because you don't belong to their class, be yourself and express yourself in your own domain.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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