I went straigth to my mum and asked her , how she was able to live with my dad for over 3 decades and still counting. 

My mum told me she never dated nor courted my dad then, it was marriage based on recommendation and approval of her parents, though she has a say too in the choice of choosing her life partner , because she was aaked if she wanted to marry him.

There is this traits my dad puts on and personally I don't think I can ever cope with such a man, don't get me wrong my dad is a very sweet and loving man, but of cause no man is perfect. 

Hence I asked my mum, how did you cope with my dad in marriage?

Then my mummy sat me down and explained to me,. My daugther she said:

There is so many unsaid things our parents never told us before we got married.

You are to figure out the pattern at which your own marriage is playing out

Marriage is deeper than the physical its more emotional and spiritual combined but what we all see is the physical today. 

What you see in marriage you either keep it to yourself or share it to God alone

Oh, do I remind you that many of us stayed because of our children and we decided to face the marital wars that came by.

In marriage no matter how fragile and feeble you are, the realities will toughen you to be stronger than you know.

Your spouse could be very annoying, wicked, hating and might even display some traits that makes you wonder but let love lead you.

Ignore errors, put alot of effort to stay alof and be conscious of the fact that there a hundred and one persons that wants your marriage to fail.

Aviod all forms of third party relations, even when you are married don't bring your matrimonial issues to us, talk to your spouse and to God alone

But when you feel its too lofty to bear, talk to someone who you know sees beyond the matter and apply wisdom. 

When you marry, marry wisdom as well, pray for the spirit of discernment and aviod anything that would bring a fuss into your home. 

Hmmmm. The list is endless, I was just determined to make my home a place of succor and  indeed, we are mentors to many marriages today, she said.

I resigned to myself and I am determined to make my own marriage  work, hopfuly am certain my partner will share the same ideology, so help us God.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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