Life isn't about you, do I remind you that you were created for a purpose and you definatly would give account of it some day.

When last did you visit an orphanage?

When last did you visit the prison?

When last did you visit the hospital?

When last did you go to the cemetery to pray for the dead and also think about your own death?

When last did you sow a seed to impact souls?

When last did you give alms to a begger?

When last did you cloth the naked?

When last did you feed the hungry?

When last did you share a cup of water?

I know you are not accountable to these people, they are not your concerns, I also understand they are not your priority, no probelm, but no matter how you ignore them now, you will be asked about them one-day.

The life you live is your own but the reality is that someone greater gave you this life on rent and surly you will return it to the rightful owner. 

Enjoy all you can

Buy all you desire 

Visit the best places in the world

Acquire the very best of life's asset 

Eat the best cuisine, drink the best wine 

Merry with all the beautiful people on earth


After all, we only live once.. Please enjoy it. 

Let me say it again, enjoy it, but while you do, remember the life you live is on rent. 

When last did you forget self and went out of your way to touch lives, impact souls and share world with your neighbour who you are better than, when laat did you put a smile on someone's face and act anonymous. 

Impact life, give without expecting a reward and that's the best way to fulfil purposel and become goal driven.

Be remembered for something, be known for a cause, leave a great legacy behind. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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