Experience they say differ in many, yet one has to be very careful in life ,avoid in fact, expel yourself from people who are too desperate and anxious in life, they never go far,. 

Experience  they say has taught me to just stare at people who when they are in great need of something or wants a project done , they can go ANY length to get you involved but alas when it is been executed with your trials and scorns, not  minding your pains too, they grow into an unbelievable domain and so forget “the humble beginning’’ 

I share a hard thought and as such I am weaken to say that such folks should be encouraged to build their empire alone because building with people will eventually ,make them create so much foes around. 

Remember no man is an island, you can’t build an empire alone in life no matter your skills and talents in life, or better still set a forest alone,  you can only but pray, work and set yourself on track and ask God to build your territories, so that you can be an impacter, recall you can’t please everyone , rather do the very needful, make people appreciate your efforts,. 

Never forget the humble beginnings, 

those who stood by when it was so hot

those who toiled when it was fierce, 

those who knew your true fears and worries yet took a stand with you,

those who listened to unlimited plights,

those who scarified unrewardly,

those who took time to take a leap of faith believing that there is always a chang

.I call them” THE CORNERSTONE’ insignificant they can be , yet great movers of our time,

Someday I will own an enterprise

I will build a wall of defense for people to rest, 

I will take a chance,

 I will SET everyone I meet an opportunity to excel more than I  did, 

I will not be desperate and anxious rather I will only speak to their minds, even though I can’t see their minds, 

I will be an impacter, 

I will not forget the humble beginnings. 

 MY MENTOR SAYS “success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom, always recall that there was a bottom, called “THE HUMBLE BEGINNINGSHUMBLE BEGINNING 

Experience they say differ in many, yet one has to be very careful in life ,avoid in fact, expel yourself from people who are too desperate and anxious in life, they never go far,. 

Experience  they say has taught me to just stare at people who when they are in great need of something or wants a project done , they can go ANY length to get you involved but alas when it is been executed with your trials and scorns, not  minding your pains too, they grow into an unbelievable domain and so forget “the humble beginning’’ 

I share a hard thought and as such I am weaken to say that such folks should be encouraged to build their empire alone because building with people will eventually ,make them create so much foes around. 

Remember no man is an island, you can’t build an empire alone in life no matter your skills and talents in life, or better still set a forest alone,  you can only but pray, work and set yourself on track and ask God to build your territories, so that you can be an impacter, recall you can’t please everyone , rather do the very needful, make people appreciate your efforts,. 

Never forget the humble beginnings, 

those who stood by when it was so hot

those who toiled when it was fierce, 

those who knew your true fears and worries yet took a stand with you,

those who listened to unlimited plights,

those who scarified unrewardly,

those who took time to take a leap of faith believing that there is always a chang

.I call them” THE CORNERSTONE’ insignificant they can be , yet great movers of our time,

Someday I will own an enterprise

I will build a wall of defense for people to rest, 

I will take a chance,

 I will SET everyone I meet an opportunity to excel more than I  did, 

I will not be desperate and anxious rather I will only speak to their minds, even though I can’t see their minds, 

I will be an impacter, 

I will not forget the humble beginnings. 

 MY MENTOR SAYS “success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom, always recall that there was a bottom, called “THE HUMBLE BEGINNiING

Vivsravine speaks © 


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