Believe this :

There is a beast in every man, no matter how gentle or innocent you are. 

About this write up, this not to encourage any form of violence but permit me to say there is limit to human endurance. 

Certainly, newton's 3rd law of motions says :

To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and that applies in all areas of life. 

Am going to lay my emphasis on this issue with domestic violence. 

Many a time we hear from one partner and we fail to hear from the other, sadly one of the issues that causes this violence are very trivial things. 

So flimsy and so uncalled for, most times we fall to tame our mouth, we indulge in stupid acts and dare our partner because we feel they can't harm us. 

Ladies are mostly in the habit of insulting, hitting first and daring a man, with the mindset that he wouldn't raise a finger at her, but alas the story is always different. 

Not all men have self control to ignore the rubbish you portray as habit that could be very infuriating, ordinarily men are egoistic and as such anything that would reduce or tarnish their guts is a heck no for them. 

For instance and argument ensued between you and your partner, as a lady, you have insulted the world off him, he ignores you, again you go ahead and locks his cloths and tell him to kill you today because he ignores you, he pushes you away to regain his freedom and you slap him, he retaliates and you find yourself in the clinic. 

My dear, we all have a weakness and we have limits to what we can endure, stop assuming that he can't hit you because you are his wife or because you feed him, or because you have given him kids. 

Learn to resolve your differences in marriage without insulting your partner, or engaging your self physically against him,  80% of the time a man will over power you and there is nothing you can do about it. 

Many separation, divorce and many recorded marital violence is caused by little things that could have been ignored but one person choosed to make it a big deal and as such we all know the aftermath effect. 

Walk away... I know its hard 

Shut your mouth... I know its harder 

Forgive and let go... I know its hardest 

Shun all forms of domestic violence, it only brings about pains,regerts, suicide, murder, jail terms, single parent hood, questionable children and a deficiency in the society. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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