Guess in the end we start thinking about the beginning.

Locked up in a box, restricted, can't be where you want to be, you feel you are at liberty but you are limited. 

Life can be very hard, when you always watching out for others but you are locked up in your own mess. 

Release yourselves from the things you can't let go of, most times we substitute virtual situations for meanful situations, stay within yourself, you don't have to answer to anyone.

Every body is afraid of something and that is how we know we care about things, because we are afraid we will lose them.

Most times we are afraid of not being there, really, we didn't get to where we are now by doing smart things all the time, rather even our fears pushed us this far.

Yes, it's very hard to let go ,it's painful to start all over, it takes time to forget and forgive, but if we can truly do these things sincerely we will be better of and saving ourselves from lasting pain.

Many have been consumed by bitterness and it spreads to them like disease and in one's grief you allow time infest you with hate for another.

Revenge never make or brings anything good, we risk so much for some act of revenge. 

Seeing is not the same as knowing and we must know before we act, the future has so many unseen parts. 

Untill we are marked in freedom, judgement is wasted on a man who won't listen and who isn't ready to let go of rage. 

People put you down enough and you start to believe it, remember bad stuff are easier to believe. 

Learn to ignore the things that isn't adding value to your life, make do with workable things that impact greatly to you and live within your capacity.

Everyone can't be your friend, every one won't like you, yet you can't win the minds of everyone no matter how wonderful you become, set your mind free from all forms of entanglement of hating and live freely.

You are the only who will limit yourself, don't let your weakness ruin you, know your worth and get standards, live for what you believe and stand for what works for you.

The world awaits your decision, your rigth to good living and your impact will live beyond your time.

Vivsravine speaks © 


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