I was waiting for my corn to be roasted while I sat down and watched people waking along the road with different goals to achieve. 

I noticed women mostly and the passion behind their goals. 

She backs her baby :

There she comes backing her baby and walking as fast as she could, certainly to catch up with the evening meal and wait on her family, believe me nothing can stop such a woman. 

She carries load on her head:

 Here comes another, probably in her late forties with a load as heavy as a rock, walking briskly and sliding all huddles stopping her from getting to her finish line. 

She catwalks for show:

She is in her early twenties and all dressed up gorgeously for the nigth, ready to catch a bait with what she owns , the nigth is her labor time and as such, she wins here. 

She is walking side by side by her partner:

I am certain, she and her partner are working class individuals, who probably met at a place and they are walking home together, glued by his side, she needs all the rest she could find. 

She is driving her way home:

While I was still waiting for my corn to get cooked, I saw her hooting on a car in front of her, aww, if she could shout at him, she would surely do but she kept hooting persistently, exhausted she is from the day's job, home her destination. 

She is parking her wares:

Did I forget to tell you that my corn seller was busy parking her wares while she was roasting my corn, she was almost in a hurry to get home as the nights wasn't friendly to behold. 

She is dragging her kids along :

There comes this woman with three kids, one at her back, she held one and the other was running after them, so much in a hurry to catch up with time, defiantly, home was calling.

Oh, and I was in this category too, my corn was ready and I set out to reach my home, while I walked in the dark, one guy passed me and I still continued walking , the next second he came calling..

Guy.. Excuse me

Guy... Excuse me

Me... I Looked at him without talking to him

Guy... I saw you passed and wanted to have a word with you

Me.. I looked at him again, wondering what a spec he is(how can you stop someone you barely can see her face in the nigth)

Guy.. I really want to..

Me.. I instantly cut his words off, sorry I am not intrested

Guy.. I want to say that

Me.. Please, its late, have a good night

Guy.. Oh, okay, good night

While I pondered at the scenario, I walked as fast as I could and I signed at some people's stupidity.

Oh, we all have various business that triggers our movement but make sure its worth your time.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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