Life has so many faces you know, 

Whatever comes your way, face it

Many a time, it isn't rosy yet it will pass

Don't give up on whatever shows up. 

Take a leap of faith, 

Forget how it will be done

Trust that God is aware

Then do your part and leave the rest to him

I am a woman full  his grace

I live so consciously knowing who I have

I am not carried away by what happens around

I chose to remain steadfast and focused. 

Trusting the all supreme God, who is aware. 

Who knows the very end from the onset. 

Who never forgets his chosen. 

Who is always on time and never late. 

No matter how good or bad you are, you will still have some people who will  never rest but to find a vice or vices about you.

You never can please people, even Jesus couldn't please all, so free your selves from these set of people who got negative energies,they never find anything good in you.

They are called fault finders, petenders.fake lifers dubious scammers and even friends who don't trust your personality.,detach your self from them.

Time will surely expose them, then you would have been long gone to bliss and blessing moving from glory to glory while they tell your sweet stories 

No matter where you live and what you do try and stay in the corner of peace and love, those who hate you, feel very uncomfortable seeing you exhibit such virtues. 

Never beg for a spot in someone's life, you are really too special to be treated bad, know your worth and hold on to positive life style you will keep winning. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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