Don't waste your feelings on people who don't value you.
There is a difference between,
The woman, A woman
The man, A man
The realities are always real, factual and clear when making your choice as to who to spend a life time with.
The conviction is a of leap of faith, a hard tackle which is called love, let me ask you are you ready to take that step with someone?
In love there is no holding back, if you love him/her, please keep it for real and make it work.
Below are some mild tips on relationship and some guidelines to follow when making or taking a decision to be with someone.
When you solely want something , you go for it, there might be obstacles,in fact lots and loads of them, but a determined mind sees his obstacles as a drive to push him to the next levels, he dames all to make it a reality but ( never force or push yourself on any one(it reduces yourself esteem)
If you see a break light, you need not be told about the next event,rather be prepared about the worst case scenario, because when it eventually happens, you are not fully broken because you can still pick yourself up and begin again.
Appreciate every moments that comes your way, it could be sweet or soar but be guided and never be carried away by any situation(good or bad) make maximum use of the situation to learn and be impacting.
In your good times rejoice very well as if it is your last and please touch the lives you can (don't be selfish) and in your bad times learn so much here, so as to help someone who will also be in your shoes someday.(relationship isn't a do or die affair)
Finally , I write because we are all in one phase or the other in our lives but how well we use it determines who is happy or sad, I live to chose what I keep believing till the very end, because I have an enterprise to build which is called SOUL BRANDING ( it goes beyond relationship)
Inside this diary, this manuscript of mine is my past,
Inside of me is everyting you need know about my present,
Inside of me is everyting you need know about my future,
If you succeed your family life,you sure will succeed in anything you do.
There is always a two side to a relationship, the effects and impact can't be outlined, one must happen, just embrace it and make a head way.
Vivsravine speaks ©
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