I have an usual feelings in my being and until I  act according , removing my emotions from what I feel and apply wisdom, I wont rest, lets be realistic as at now,come to think of it,whats life all about really? 

We all zap out in the morning and come in late at night and also with all the bustling and the so called "wahala in quote" we go thru, we stick to and we work for, what's the need therein?

I picked up a strong courage to write this piece,because I am worried in my spirit and so many things are happening rigth now that I just can't imagine, where we are going to,whats the fuss for, whats the drag for, was the issues for,whats the force for, was the pain for, was the struggle for, was the push for? 

Life it self is lots of struggle and circumstances unseen,foreseen and in fact what we live with, don't crucify me when I come to tell you to find rest even when you are still living on this part of the word called earth. 

Don’t allow your emotions to becloud your sense of reasoning which I call wisdom because the time will come when the things you are seeing now will be no more, in fact you won’t even recall a trace of it, am not a prophetess, but I speak my mind as, the call comes in.

One would ask now, what the essence of this write ups ,call it whatsoever  you think, but am here earring my mind, life has made me see the reason for existence, which is to know God, to love God and finally to be with God when he calls us, life is so sweet yet no one wants to leave this suffering world to a place so beautiful to behold forever, because we are all scared of the unknown(most especially when we don’t know where we are going heaven or hell. 

it’s a blessing to live freely but it got its own consequences though, do you know that’s why we will be judged? Which is easier to say (have mercy on me or thank you)

We all have one life to live and all got one death to die, we are either going to heaven or hell, we can either be rich or poor, what we can either get it right now or wrong, it’s a choice to choose. 

Yea, now that I have earned my mind I am so filled with joy because am feeling so excited, join me in my choice , I chose the paths that leads to life , God and heaven.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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