Often times we neglect people who are physically challenged in the society, the same way we treat the less privileged that's the same way we should learn to assist them when the need arises. 

I had a friend way back in school who was physically challenged, he couldn't meet up with lectures and he found it so difficult to attend classes, he was truly depressed. 

He felt he wasn't meeting up and therefore he made up his mind to quit school, we got talking one day and he narrated his ordeal before then I used to help him to class but when I wasn't there anymore, he felt my absence. 

Recently, a sister in a group I belonged wrote intensely about her ordeal as a deaf person, she feels the society don't recognise them in functions and many treat them as a neglect even when they are physically present. 

How we presume and assume about everything without giving it a second thought as to why people react differently most especially when we are at a gathering. 

We are so carried away by what we feel it should be, when we are amongst people, we easily neglect the physically challenged, many even don't want to associate with them let alone assisting them. 

Pained, the fact is that, we are mostly insensitive to the needs of the next person, we easily justify and go about defending ourselves.

The society isn't friendly for an average person let alone considering other sects. 

We are easily stereotyped by our own needs, God help us recall that we are all the same and we need the next person like our lives depend on them

Most times we tarnish them with our words and actions, we forget how human they are too, we are too insensitive to know that they feel very bad.

Let us learn to appreciate them, help them and extend our little hand of fellowship to those whom we consider less privileged, physical challenged and mentally disabled they need us to be a bit better.

Be aware

Be sensitive

Be the help


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