It seems you don't notice me, yet I have always been here waiting for your call.

You have always been busy with many other things, yet you never knew I existed

Sorry, its not going to be my fault, I followed your pattern but trust me, it's worth it

We spoke like friends, we hoped like lovers, we lived like brothers yet you found me not. 

I played dumb so you could  speak to me yet you were too busy to notice I was even there. 

It hurts how much of a stranger I had become with you because you were just too busy. 

Now I refuse to wait a day for you any longer, my heart longs for another, a soul I desire

Worry not you will be find, someone else values me and as such I am very comfortable with it. 

I said yes to best influence, a human beyond words ordinary yet very exceptional a being.

Rejoicing therefore, I found whom my soul longs for, my kind and very rare to behold. 

You came late, I can't discard him whom his seeds lives in me,the soul I wear as a crown

The glory that covers me, the protection I sort for, the bliss of a life time, my evergreen, my breath

I rather go to where I find fulfilment than where all the riches in the world lies without value. 

A seed grows in me, an object of love, a glow radiants in my world, a bliss I longed for. 

Am happy beyond your imaginations, my waiting fetched me solace in the fact that am blessed. 

Find a replacement and do the needful, don't go busy counting diamonds while you neglected the stars close by. 

Time isn't friendly anymore, the loving and loved ones aren't waiting any longer. 

Many a time, we feel too important to notice those things that truly mattered to us. 

As we grow older I have come to realise that our growth is based on how we treat other people.

Most times we spend lots of time on transident issues, forgetting about love,family and life. 

I made a vow already to him whom my soul longed for, nothing will stand in between us, because I can only miss him when I breath my last. 

Sorry, you came late, your choice, my glory. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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