The phrase "life no balance" is often heard from many, but we fail to understand the real life issues behind it. 

How can our dear friend go from being perfectly alright to dying? You wonder why someone who is hale and hearty, full of life today and they next second you hear unbelievable and unimaginable stories about them. 

Whatever your hands find to do, please do it with your might and quickly too,truly life is indeed short, it's like passing in the wind, like a vapor, like a smoke, like shadow, like a mirage, real but yet uncertain, do your best with the time you have now, its never assured. 

Just like a movie, a song, scared to face fears, we watch those we love disappear, its all gone with time, you are left to wonder why this happened. 

You don't have all the time, I don't have all the time, we all don't have the time, rather make your life worth living and meanful, so that a traceable legacy can be left of you. 

When our lives becomes meaningful, it seems like we are doing everything in a rush,little do we know that we are setting the pace rigth. 

It is paramount we behave like everyday is our last and that is the only way to live rightly and impacting. 

What will you be remembered for? 

It doesn't matter how long or short you would live the question is 'what will be remembered of you? 

If you must leave, please ensure you go empty. Share the skills you know always, spend time with people no matter how little, give what you have and be ready to leave something behind. 

Make sure your life speaks while you are still here and let your death echo in the mind and lives of people when you are no more. 

To everyone that has lost one loved one or the other this year, it's a call to live a purposeful life. 

It goes to show us too that one day we be gone and its either we are remembered for something or we are forgotten for everything. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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