Our world is highy different from those of our parents and ancestors, alot of things has changed and is so alarming the rate of domestic violence.

Both men and women are involved, if and only if you are no longer comfortable in marriage and you can't tolerate the excesses and inadequacies of your partner, please stay alive for yourself, your children and your family. 

We hear of stories so hard to believe and imagine, the scenarios so pathetic and when these things happens, you just wished it was never true. 

It is better to stay alive and single than to be married in a bad marriage and die, it is better to come back home with your sence and complete body than to return home in a casket filled with pains. 

Dear men, if you are in a toxic relationship with your wife or girlfriend, the mind of a heartless fellow is deep like the ocean, don't pamper the relationship hoping she would change, she could easily poison you, stab you or send assassins against you, then your life would be cut short, anything less than peace in your relationship is a threat to your life, dont wait for  forever before you take a bow. 

Dear women, stop saying, "its because of my children that is why I am still with him" don't wait untill you become a shadow of yourself before you leave the marriage, stop saying "what would people say, that I left my husband" again stop saying "its for better for worse" you should know when your life is in line in a toxic, uneven amd barbaric relationship, stay alive for your self and children and then pray from a distance, most especially stop saying "who will marry me after all these years" the bottom line is to stay alive. 

We all would agree with me that domestic violence in recent times cuts across both genders and its not a thing to ignore, speak up when you can't tolerate again, leave when you still have the time, secure your sanity and live knowing that your happiness lies within you first before you can share to others. 

To my fiend, Grace Daniel, rest in peace,  your story has awakened the thoughts in me to use your scenarios to speak to the mind of many going through what you went through, wished you are here to say your story by yourself but I resolve to fate that God alone knows all. 

Live for yourself 

Live for your children 

Live for your family 

Live for your friends 

The world needs you, always remember this. 

Vivsravine speaks ©


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