What God can't keep can't be kept

Love took a wrong and painful turn,then n you came.

They didn't just find love, they also found matrimony.

One of the things to admire about their union is the intensity of their love and the way they are proud of each other.

Like I always say, if the first one doesn't work, try again. Don't ever settle. 

Know what you want and go for it, trust me its no crime to wait for what you desire, it might tarry but it will come to pass, wait for it.

May their home be filled with love, light and happiness.

Someone said all these to a couple who indeed found love and move beyond expressing it to sealing it forever.

In our world today, its very hard to find genuine, sincerely and transparent love, our world is so polluted that all we find is guilt, glits, heartbreaks, figths and fuss and every other person is out to scam in love.

It seems like love has finally returned to its place of abode, which is in heaven, what stops love form existing on earth?

Our ways has become so dubious, fishing and adulterated, we are so cheap to cause pain and we excel in heart breaks.

There isn't no shame anymore, we have sold out our dignity and we are drained in negative illusions.

Where is the love, we are easily carried away by negative vibes, we don't value respect anymore, we are brainwashed with the past experience of others.

Love still exists, that someone somewhere has glited you and done all all sorts of vices against you, hold on, you will find love in the strangest places.

Keep an open mind, those who castigated you and went ahead to soil your relationship would one day meet karma in their life's time.

Keep believing, keep hoping, keep anticipating, love isn't far, the gains are far more than the pains and when you do find love, keep it safe and protect it with all you have.

Love is rare.

Vivsravine speaks ©


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