THE NEXT SECOND ISN'T PROMISED (the world we live in)


Have you taken a closer note to this, whenever you come online, 75% of the things you read and see online are bad news, either a murder, killings, kidnap and circumstance unimaginable.

When you buy a newspaper, all you will be able to read and see is news of war, figths, killings and every other vice related to death,  you hardly see good news.

It seems evil is promised us, it looks like all we are programmed to see and hear is related to bad news.

Its so sad that even when you come across at least 5 people in a day, 3 of them most tell you about one bad tale that happened somewhere, even to someone you know.

The same bit happens when you receive at least a minimum of 5 calls per day, most of the news is something related to a bad omen, a sad news and something gruesome.

I wake up to go online and wondered what is actually happening, sometimes am scared to explore the Internet because I don't want to see anything bad. 

Three days ago, I saw a picture of a mother and 2 of her little ones who were burnt down in a gas explosion when she visited her sister at Baruwa.

I saw another most painful death of two brothers who were gunned down last nigth by cultists in Abuja, at a construction site,these young men are fathers to some children, husbands to some wives and sons to their parents and our friends too. 

A distant sister, we all rejoiced with on her recent engagement, we heard had fever and died, her wedding is coming up on the 30th of this month, you can imagine the pain and devastating situation she left her hubby, family and friends. 

The list is endless and one can't keep buttressing a fact that we all see these things, we hear them and we even have contacts with them.

We stay in our homes, we die

We go out to work, we die

We go out for fun, we die

We stay out of trouble, we die

We become activist we die

We break laws, we die

We stay with God, we die 

The bottom line is that, the world isn't safe any more, the earth swallows its inhabitant and we keep asking questions without answers, there is a thin line between life and death. 

The only certainty is now, the next second is not promised, the more reason why we should live like its our last, the life we live is borrowed and it's owner can take it any time irrespective of the situation. 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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