MOTHERS ON PARADE (different shades of stories)


I was in church the other day and during the thanksgiving service, mothers in their numbers trooped out to dance and thank God for many benefits received. 

While I watched them file out and dance, I saw different shades of personalities in them, many danced, others just smiled, some were totally sober and moody, while others were just indifferent. 

A thought ran through my mind and all I could think of is the fact that everyone one of them has a probelm or battle they are facing or had face at one point in time. 

Funny as it seem, the wars they face isn't compared to the joy they live with knowing and believing that all would be well someday. 

Mothers are the real warriors and fighters who admits all fears, take all the blows, endure the pains and still smile in our presence to aviod the fear of seeing them weary. 

Many are in perpetual debts 

Many are living with internal illness 

Many are faustrated with life 

Many are having family issues 

Many are not happy in marriage 

Many are handicapped 

Many are under seige with personal issues 

Many are subjected to pains untold 

These women have one scar, one story and one pain they live with and they still go about living and hoping life treats them better. 

Learn to appreciate people's struggles 

Bless them in the best possible ways you can 

Be a cure to them and not a problem 

Make them smile, they need all the love 

Vivsravine speaks © 


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